Student loans are a significant relief for students who do not have money to fulfill their dreams. Going for higher education can be really exciting. But not having the required finances can put your morale down.

It may negate all the good things happening around you. Also, it may put you in a challenging position.

But if you carefully look around, you may have many options for a student loan. This will not hurt your finances but also help you fulfill your education dream. But there are some mistakes that students make unknowingly.

The right student deal

In the case of loans, home mortgages stand number one in the source of consumer debt. Student loans follow this.

They are the second loans that have a significant contribution to consumer debt. If students do not make such mistakes, they can overcome these problems. Some students make huge mistakes and have to bear severe financial consequences.

Along with students, parents also make some common mistakes. Some things should be avoided while choosing your loan.

It can cause stress in your life. Also, money traps are not a good thing to get into. Many students are stuck in money traps because of their minor mistakes on their loans.

Common mistakes

As a student, try to avoid the following mistakes and use your loan wisely.

1. Borrowing more than required

Many students borrow too much money at once. But this does not mean that you can borrow out of your limits. Whatever is required in your college, you should only go for that.

For example, if you are borrowing money to pay off your college bills, do not take extra money to cover your entertainment expenses as well. This is not for free. For every amount borrowed, you have to pay an equal amount.

If you borrow 1 dollar, it may cost you 2 dollars in the long run. You have to repay on time to stay away from the debt trap.

You may do different jobs to pay off your student loan. Working part-time or taking tuition can help you repay your loan on time.

2. Not opting for the right deal.

Sometimes a student just takes up, or they get it quickly. Do not commit this mistake of taking the first opportunity. Shop around and get the best loan deal.

If you take the first deal, you may be paying a higher interest rate on it. Hence, looking for different lenders and their interest rates is advisable. Sometimes the interest rates may vary from lender to lender.

If you go to lenders offering private student loans, it will be beneficial for you. This will help you save money on your repayment.

3. Including living expenses

As mentioned above, many students rely on student loans for their day-to-day expenses. Do not commit this mistake.

If you have a requirement of X amount for your college fee, only borrow this X amount. Do not include your living and day-to-day expenses in this amount. When you are borrowing, this amount may be attractive to you.

But while repaying, it can be a burden on you. Repayments are an essential aspect, and always keep that in mind. Some students use their student loans for luxury expenses such as taking a vacation or buying a new house.

This is tempting but will put you in a pressurizing state in the long run. Make sure to borrow the amount that is required. If you borrow more than required, it will give you unnecessary stress in life.

Student loans should be strictly used for study expenses. If you are unemployed, you can borrow emergency loans for the unemployed along with student loans. These loans will help you to repay your loan on time.

4. Not saving money

Generally, students do not consider the opportunities to save money. As a student, it is advisable for you to go for auto payments.

This will help you do remember your repayments always. Also, sometimes lenders offer you a lesser interest rate to go for auto-debit.

 The reduction in your bank account will help you to fulfill your repayments on time. If you do not do so, you can miss out on a payment due to less money in your account.

But with automatic debit, there is no need to remember, and your repayments are going on time.

5. Repaying in a wrong manner

Most of the time, students choose the wrong repayment plan. They are not futuristic and go for the wrong plan. Sometimes they may choose the highest payment plan.

This makes them repay a considerable amount in lesser time. It usually makes them empty their pockets. Try to choose the right repayment plan for you.

You can ask your family or an expert if you do not have any information about it. These people will help you to get to understand the right repayment plan.


A tip to remember for students is never to use student loans to consolidate their debt. This can backfire in the long run.

Also, never make payments to reduce your monthly payments. Try to get the payment plan that is feasible for you. Do not pay any extra fee for any advantage by the lender. You can get these things for free.

Try to pay attention to all the pitfalls mentioned above. If you make the above mistakes, you will get more stress. Hence, try to avoid these common errors and have a stress-free student life.

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